Milk Alternatives for Lactose Intolerant


The growth of strong bones and teeth depends greatly on the consumption of milk. Milk is a nutritious powerhouse because provides the human body with a number of health advantages. However, some people may feel a lot of discomforts after consuming dairy products. The term “lactose intolerance” refers to this condition. The inability to digest lactose, which is the main carbohydrate present in dairy products, is a digestive disorder. Anyone who is lactose intolerant who consumes dairy products may develop digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps. Some people also don’t eat dairy products. You can choose non-dairy milk alternatives if you have this condition. Here are several milk alternatives that you need to be aware of.

Soy Milk

Let’s begin with the most popular replacement. Thanks to its high protein content, soy milk, a common nondairy beverage, has indeed a nutritional punch. However, this liquid soybean extract can also have an unpleasant bean-like or even gritty flavor. Nevertheless, soy milk has a pleasant texture and roughly 8 grams of protein per glass. It also makes a wonderful addition to overnight oats because of its creamy texture. 

Enjoy this beverage, but proceed with caution. Soy is a nutrient-rich, high-protein food with many health advantages, but there is considerable controversy about how much is too much. There are many flavors and varieties of soymilk, including low-fat and fat-free versions.

Almond Milk

Almond milk has a pleasant flavor and is delicious straight from the glass, over cereal for breakfast, or in a smoothie made with frozen berries or bananas. It has fewer proteins than cow’s milk but more calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, vitamin E, and selenium. Almond milk is available in a number of containers, either on the shelves or in the refrigerator. Once opened from its packaging, it can be kept in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days, or it can be kept sealed for a long time. Refrigerate for at least one night before opening to obtain the best flavor. It can be purchased plain, flavored, or fortified.

For every cup of water, use 1/4 cup of raw (untoasted) almonds. Almonds should be finely ground using a blender before adding water and blending once more. Add a teaspoon to a tablespoon of pure maple syrup to taste and blend. Enjoy after cheesecloth filtration!

Oat Milk

Although this product is becoming more well-liked, it might not be as easy to find as other milk alternatives. The flavor and texture of oat milk are modest. It includes folic acid and vitamin E in addition to other trace minerals and vitamins. Because its safety has not been established, oat milk should not be consumed by people who have celiac disease.

Making your own oat milk is as simple as mixing one-part oats to two parts water, letting it sit overnight, then filtering it the next day through cheesecloth. If you want extra fiber, you may also puree it thoroughly. To suit your tastes, you can choose to add a little vanilla or maple syrup.

Goat Milk

Despite popular belief, goat milk really qualifies as a lactose-free milk because it contains less lactose than cow’s milk. Most persons with lactose sensitivity can tolerate this well-liked nearly nondairy milk choice without experiencing any negative side effects.

Peanut Milk

Peanut milk can be the best lactose-free milk choice for you if you don’t have a peanut allergy. Because it’s high in protein, fat, and calories, it’s frequently used in infant formula. So, peanut milk is a nice alternative you might like to try if you’re trying to add a few more calories after the exercise.

Cashew Milk

Cashew nuts, cashew butter, and water are combined to create cashew milk. It has a sweet and delicate nutty flavor and is creamy and thick. It works well as a creamer in coffee, a thickener for smoothies, and a substitute for cow’s milk in desserts. Less than one-third of the calories, half the fat, and much less protein and carbs are found in cashew milk compared to cow’s milk. For people who consume more protein, this might not be the ideal choice.

Coconut Milk

Because coconut milk has a high saturated fat content, low sodium content, and a high manganese content, try to use it as little as possible. Due to the high fat content’s ability to enhance flavor, coconut milk is frequently used in recipes. Coconut milk is typically offered in cans and has a limited shelf life once opened. To use as a milk substitute, combine one part coconut milk with one part water. To make coconut milk, fresh, grated coconut is combined with boiling water, and the mixture is then strained through cheesecloth.

Multi-Grain Milk

Multi-grain milk can be drunk straight from the glass, added to cereal, or puréed with fruit to make an energizing beverage. In grocery stores and natural goods stores, you can find multi-grain milk in cartons on the shelves or in the refrigerator section. Refrigerate for at least a night before opening to ensure a longer shelf life and the best flavor. It can be purchased plain, flavored, or fortified.

Rice Milk

Rice milk is made from fortified brown rice, the main reason why it is a rich source of calcium (150 mg) and a great source of vitamin D (120 IU) while having only a gram of protein per cup. Rice milk is thin, and its additional sweets bring out a subtle flavor. Soak one part of brown rice in three parts of water overnight to create rice milk at home. In the morning, you could blend it for three to five minutes. Add rice syrup or another all-natural sweetener to taste.

Hemp Milk

This milk, which is made from hemp seeds that are lawfully produced in Canada, is best used in smoothies, cereal, soups, and baking, where its earthy flavor is best hidden. Hemp milk is rich in protein, calcium, vitamin E, GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, and other vitamins and minerals. It also comes in a variety of flavors and is fortified with additional vitamins and minerals.

Hazelnut Milk

A tasty substitute is hazelnut milk, which is warm and nutty. Of course, it won’t work for you if you don’t like hazelnut flavor. However, if you enjoy the nut that gives Nutella its flavor, you should include it in your diet along with all of these other beneficial nuts. It can be a little more difficult to find hazelnut milk, but if you do, you might decide to stockpile it.

Quinoa Milk

Quinoa milk has a unique flavor that is nutty, sweet, and somewhat sour. Compared to other non-dairy milks, it has a modest amount of calories, protein, and carbohydrates. Vegetarians and vegans should consider it because it provides high-quality protein.


Cow’s milk is a common food source for many people. You might need to avoid cow’s milk for a variety of reasons, such as allergies, moral objections, or worries about potential health consequences. Thankfully, there are a lot of excellent options available, like the twelve in our list.

Make sure to choose unsweetened kinds and stay away from additional sugars while making your decision. In addition, be sure your nondairy milk is fortified with calcium and vitamin B12. There is no perfect milk for everyone. Finding the replacement that’s best for you may take some time because to the wide variations in taste, nutrition, and price of various substitutes.