Learn more about Wild Rice


The Great Lakes area of North America is home to an abundance of wild rice which is semi-aquatic grass. Wild rice stands out from its white and brown counterparts due to its firm texture and nutty flavor. It is one of just two native grains that are regularly consumed in the United States. This item has long been a favorite among home cooks and chefs, who use it as a soup base, a stuffing for meats, and a side dish. 

Since ancient times, people have grown and consumed wild rice, which is indigenous to the Connecticut River Basin and naturally occurs in American streams. It even flourishes near the Gulf Coast, where the stalks may grow up to 12 feet tall. Although wild rice closely resembles traditionally farmed rice in many aspects, it is essentially an aquatic grass with an edible grain rather than genuine rice. Wild rice often has a thicker, firmer hull, a longer average length, and a more earthy, nutty flavor.


Native to North America, wild rice comes in three different species:

Northern wild rice (Zizania Palustris)

It is an annual plant that is indigenous to the Great Lakes region of North America as well as the aquatic habitats of the Boreal Forest regions of Northern Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba in Canada, as well as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Idaho in the United States.

Wild rice (Z. Aquatica)

It may be found in Florida, the Saint Lawrence River, and on the Atlantic and Gulf coastlines of the United States.

Texas wild rice (Z. Texana)

It is a perennial plant that is isolated to a tiny region in central Texas near the San Marcos River.

One species that is native to Asia:

Manchurian wild rice (Z. Latifolia)

It is a perennial native of China. Due to pollution and the lack of adequate habitat in its small distribution, Texas wild rice is at risk of going extinct. Only around 30 inches may be covered by Texas wild rice pollen before it returns to the parent plant. No seeds are formed if pollen does not reach a receptive female flower within that range. Manchurian wild rice has nearly completely vanished from the wild in its natural region, but it was mistakenly introduced into the wild in New Zealand, where it is now regarded as an invasive species.

Wild rice from the north and from Manchuria have had their genomes sequenced. After the genus separated from Oryza, there appears to have been a whole-genome duplication.

Brief Life History

As a cross-pollinating annual plant, wild rice has distinct male and female blooms, requiring pollen to be moved from one to the other. Usually, the female flowers on a cluster open before the males do, and the male flowers from other clusters subsequently pollinate the female flowers.

What to do with wild rice

Wild rice may be prepared the same way as white or brown rice, although it takes longer to cook. One cup of dried wild rice will become at least three cups of cooked wild rice since the grains quadruple in size. Serve it as a side dish or with fish or poultry that has been grilled. Another common dish that benefits from a mixture of wild and white rice are rice pilaf.

In lieu of bread, wild rice is frequently used as a stuffing basis because it adds a satisfyingly chewy texture. It may be included in soups, meatball, or popped on the stovetop like popcorn for a tasty snack.

What does wild rice taste like?

A bowl of freshly cooked wild rice has a wonderful, toasted nuttiness that makes the food comforting and filling. Wild rice has a satisfying chew if the grains are not overdone, which provides soups and casseroles with a fantastic texture. Despite being more robust than white and brown rice, its earthy flavor is not overbearing.


Dry wild rice should be stored in an airtight container in a room with low light, such as a pantry or cupboard. As long as it does not get wet, this component will remain fresh for years. For up to a week, keep cooked wild rice in a covered container in the refrigerator. Cooked wild rice can be frozen for up to six months in an airtight container.

Wild rice nutrition facts

A 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of cooked wild rice provides

  • Calories: 101
  • Carbohydrate: 21 grams
  • Protein: 4 grams
  • Fiber: 2 grams
  • Vitamin B6: 7% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Folate: 6% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 8% of the DV
  • Phosphorus: 8% of the DV
  • Zinc: 9% of the DV
  • Copper: 6% of the DV
  • Manganese: 14% of the DV

3.5 ounces (100 grams) of cooked wild rice has 101 calories, which is a few calories less than the equivalent amount of brown or white rice, which has 112 and 130 calories, respectively.

Small levels of iron, potassium, and selenium are also present in wild rice.

Wild rice is a nutrient-dense meal due to its low-calorie and high nutritional content. It is an excellent source of plant-based protein and a very outstanding amount of minerals.

Higher in Protein and Fiber

Compared to other grains and conventional rice, wild rice has a higher protein content.

Wild rice has four grams of protein in every 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving, which is twice as much as ordinary brown or white rice.

Wild rice is regarded as a complete protein, meaning it includes all nine necessary amino acids, despite not being a particularly abundant source of protein.

Wild rice has the same amount of fiber as brown rice, with each serving of 3.5 ounces (100 grams) containing 1.8 grams of fiber. White rice, on the other hand, offers very little to no fiber.

Source of powerful antioxidant

Antioxidants are crucial for good health in general. They are thought to slow down the aging process and lower your chance of developing various illnesses, including cancer.

Antioxidants have been shown to be abundant in wild rice.


Native Americans have historically used the grass species known as “wild rice” as a significant source of nutrition. Overall, wild rice is an essential food component as well as a significant cultural and ecological resource.