Is Yogurt A Good Source Of Protein?

Originally from Western Asia and the Middle East, yogurt is a common meal in many cultures. The Turkish term “yourmak,” which means to thicken, coagulate, or curdle, is said to have been the origin of the word yogurt. According to historical tales, nomadic herders would transport milk in skin-lined pouches. Yogurt was created because of the fermentation of milk by naturally existing enzymes found in the pouches transported close to the body, which generated enough body heat to do so.

According to Indian Ayurvedic medical books, references to yogurt and wellness date back to 6000 BCE. Today, yogurt is available in many different varieties, including plain but frequently with fruit or sugars added. Gelatin and pectin are two thickeners and stabilizers that can be used for a thicker texture and richer flavor.

Because yogurt has a lower lactose content than other dairy products, those with lactose sensitivity who cannot consume dairy products might be able to consume yogurt. Lactose is converted to lactic acid during fermentation by the bacteria. Yogurts made from plants, which do not contain lactose, might also be an alternative.

Yogurt is a source of

  • Protein
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • B Vitamins – riboflavin and B12 (animal-based yogurt only)

Yogurt and Health

Yogurt contains several beneficial components including calcium and protein. The live bacterial component of yogurt, which is also present in other fermented foods like kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut, is the focus of most of the studies on its health advantages.

A reduced prevalence of specific bacterial strains in the body has been shown to affect the risk of disorders such as:

  • Obesity
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Ulcerative colitis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.

Yogurt intake may also assist to expand the diversity of the gut microbiota. A plant-based diet is linked to sustaining a diversified and likely healthier gut microbiota than a diet heavy in meat and low in fruits and vegetables.

By raising your energy expenditure, or the total number of calories you burn during the day, protein has been found to support an increased metabolism.

Yogurt is rich in protein

Protein is high in yogurt. About 8.5 grams of protein are included in one cup (245 grams) of whole-milk plain yogurt. Because commercial yogurt may be processed with dry milk, its protein concentration can occasionally exceed that of milk.

Depending on how soluble it is in water, the protein in yogurt is either whey or casein. Whey proteins are milk proteins that are soluble in water, whereas caseins are milk proteins that are not soluble in water. Both casein and whey have superior nutritional qualities, are packed with necessary amino acids, and are simple to digest.

Getting adequate protein is essential for controlling hunger because it boosts the release of hormones that indicate fullness. It could assist you in consuming fewer calories overall, which is good for weight management.

Greek yogurt

If you consume dairy products, avoid relying solely on protein-rich cheese. Greek yogurt is a far healthier alternative.

Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria that promote gut health, are another benefit of Greek yogurt. Additionally, it contains a lot of calcium and vitamin D.

It is suggested fat-free plain Greek yogurt over the store’s high-fat, high-sugar selections. Use your own fresh or frozen fruit, slivered almonds or walnuts, chia seeds, or ground flaxseed in place of high-sugar granola.

If you consume Greek yogurt, a particularly thick version that has been strained, the benefits of yogurt on increasing fullness are much more pronounced. It has 20 grams of protein per 7 ounces, which is more than ordinary yogurt (200 grams). More than other dairy products like full or skim milk, Greek yogurt may be able to control appetite and prevent the desire to eat.


Yes, Greek yogurt indeed has a high protein content. Protein is beneficial for controlling hunger and weight and yogurt can be a great healthy source of protein.