Cooking Can Help You Practice Organization and Time Management Skills

Organizing work and managing our time are two of the biggest hurdles in our way to make us productive. Sometimes, we have to work on many things at a time, and most of the time, we don’t know how to keep away from creating a mess.

Cooking is a skill that can help you learn time management skills. What if you are trying to prepare lunch for your family and suddenly you remember you have to do the laundry and dishing and what not. Of course, it is a tiring situation for you, and we know you cannot order daily from outside. The only way to keep you and your family healthy is to cook your food at home. Here we will discuss how cooking can help you practice organization and time management skills.

10 Tips to Practice Time Management Skills in Your Kitchen

Organizing your kitchen is a big deal for some people, and it is not easy to handle things at the start. You have to practice tips and tricks to overcome your lack of time management skills.

1. Organize Your kitchen

A tidy kitchen can help save your time, and you will learn how to organize your things in the best way by practicing it. Clean your cooking area first, then keep all the utensils and ingredients on your cooking shelf. Set aside all the dirty dishes and unnecessary things that may divert your attention.

Moreover, you should know where you put your cooking ingredients so that you don’t need to search for them and waste your precious time at the time of cooking.

2. Set a Time Table For your Cooking

Setting a timetable is a lifesaver technique; it is a healthy activity to keep your things organized and manage your time. If you’re an early riser and want to do all your home chores on time, you should religiously follow a timetable.

Make a timetable and write all the daily routine works you need to complete. Set a time for cooking, another hour for laundry, and then whatever you want to do.

At the time of cooking, you should only prepare your meal. Forget about other works; you will learn how to do your work at an assigned time.

3. Write Your Recipe Before Cooking

Preparing a big lunch or dinner for your friends and family is a very time-consuming task. You want to make delicious food, and at the time of preparation, you find out you are running out of some ingredients.

Therefore, the best practice here is to write a recipe on paper or your phone’s notepad and jot down all the ingredients you need to prepare your dish. It will save you time, and you will never forget what spices are running out for your tomorrow’s meal. This is how you learn how to organize the kitchen and use your time management skills.

4. Make a Weekly Meal Plan

The first thing that makes you exhausted is you don’t have ideas what to make for your lunch or dinner. To solve this issue, make a weekly plan with your cooking ideas. Write what dessert you want on what day of the week or what dish you want to try on weekends.

When you know what to make, take your meal planner out if you forget the cooking ideas. There is no need to panic when it comes to cooking; just ensure you have all the ingredients in your kitchen to prepare the dish you want. 

5. Buy Your Groceries on Time

Always do your groceries on time to save yourself from the tiring situation. Let’s suppose you want to try a recipe, but you don’t have spices or some essential ingredient in your kitchen. Therefore, make a grocery list after observing your weekly plan and check what you need for your recipe. 

Go to a grocery store and buy your stuff weekly or monthly; it will help organize your kitchen and manage your time along the way.

6. Have Some Frozen Food in Your Home

Sometimes you don’t feel well or don’t want to do cooking. To tackle this situation, buy frozen food, or you can make it yourself at home. Freeze the food and cook it when you don’t feel like cooking. Frozen foods have the same nutrients, so no need to worry about your health. Home-made frozen food is the easiest way to keep yourself healthy by not going outside and eating high-calorie junk food.

7. Clean Your kitchen Alongside

You will see a lot of mess when making something in your kitchen; for instance, a cake. The best way to manage your time is to clean the kitchen alongside. Put all the utensils and ingredients back after using them, and then later, you can do the dishing. 

Moreover, organize your spice jars well, make a separate space for your cooking pans and utensils.

8. Learn What Equipment You Need to Use

First of all, you must know what equipment is for what purpose. You should know the things you can bake or the items that need to be cooed at low flame. You might already know what utensils are used for baking and what for cooking. Knowing all the stuff before making a meal is better to keep your kids or family safe from eating a lousy dish.

9. Don’t Tire Yourself

Don’t always tire yourself by standing all day in your kitchen. If you spend your day in the kitchen making food and forget to take care of yourself, then you’re playing with your health. Work smartly, set a timer in your kitchen, and come out after doing your stuff.

If you feel bored, go for a walk or do some productive work and learn how to manage your time outside the kitchen. To read more about it, you can also check our article on the best ways to improve your time management skills.

10. Do Not Involve Yourself in Multitasking

Many of us love to involve ourselves in multiple things, but this way, we are actually wasting a lot of our precious time. You should concentrate on one thing only because you will feel exhausted when you try to multitask. Another best thing you can do in this situation is to share your task with other family members.

But if you are alone and nobody is there for help, you will have to do your all home chores yourself. However, don’t worry even if you have to do everything by yourself; just work according to your schedule, as we mentioned earlier, and you will never feel tired again.


Poor time management and no organization skills in any field can create hindrances in our daily life. If you have a thing for cooking and feel good working in the kitchen, you can learn a lot from it. The two most important things one can learn from cooking are organization and time management skills. In addition, cooking can also be a great family activity.

However, you first need to know how to manage time in the kitchen and organize it – and we have tried our best to put together those tips in this article – hope you like them!